CANCELLATION POLICY: You may cancel your registration anytime prior to October 1 , 2023 and receive a refund less $75.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE. On and after Ocrtober 1, 2023 there will be no refund for any reason whether you come to camp or not. Thank you for your understanding.
OPTION #1 Work on Your Own Project $245
Do you have a project (or two) you just need some time to finish? Come to camp to work on a project of your own choosing, enjoy the company of wonderful women, relax, no cooking, dishes, and escape from it all for a couple days. Select "Work on My Own Project" when you register for camp.
Amish-Like QUILT - $265 Confident - Intermediate
This amazing quilt comes in two options/ one with 4 applique blocks or 4 pieced blocks. I was a bit nervous to start it, but it went together like a charm! Not a difficult sew at all. It did require precise accuracy and good sewing methods and I will get you headed in that direction. There are 25 blocks / 9 different block patterns. The quilt comes in one size only about 98 x 104. You will not complete the quilt during the weekend, but you should be able to sew most of the blocks.
It was actually fun for me and I'm sure you'll enjoy this pretty little Amish-like gem of a quilt. I hope you accept the challenge!
OPTION #3 Star Quilt $260 Confident Beginner
This quilt is the easier option - it starts with a jelly roll/strip set, add some light colored strips and a dark background and you have a very adorable quilt. The long seams took plenty of time, but you might get this quilt done during the weekend. It will be a fun quilt to make.
To contact Jackie, use the Contact button found on the menu bar for this website.