You may cancel your registration anytime prior to October 8, 2024 and receive a refund less $75.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE. On and after Ocrtober 9, 2024 there will be no refund for any reason whether you come to camp or not. Thank you for your understanding. Pre-Camp Mini Class OptionDresden Neighborhood with
Dorene Joyce Wednesday from 9 to 2 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Florence, WI You do not need to be a camp participant to take this mini-class. Check appropriate boxes in registration area to take this class. Join Dorene for a class to make a whimsical quilt pattern called Dresden Neighborhood (by Persimon Dreams). You will make one 24” X 24” block for the class. You can continue on to make more blocks to make a bigger quilt. For example, make a seasons lap quilt with 6 blocks, a Twin size with 12 blocks or add more blocks to make whatever size you like! Class is $35 plus Pattern is $5.00 / Dresden Tool $8.00 - available at class or Amazon/Stores |
3 PROJECT OPTIONS and Mini Class the day before camp begins!OPTION #1
Work on Your Own Project $220 Do you have a project (or two) you just need some time to finish? Come to camp to work on a project of your own choosing, enjoy the company of wonderful women, relax, no cooking, dishes, and escape from it all for a couple days. Select "Work on My Own Project" when you register for camp.OPTION #2
Confident - Intermediate This wonderful quilt will be among your all-time favorites. The center star itself is super fast and relatively easy. There are 8 Y seams, which can be somewhat challenging, but I will guide you all the way. The 20 blocks around the star are made with 25 pieces, somewhat routine and repetitive work. Consequently, they take quite awhile to make. There will be some optional and easier blocks from which to choose to replace if you desire. A couple of sizes will be available to make the quilt that fits your needs. This quilt is easily made with a coordinated fat quarter bundle of your favorite colors.
Quilt of Many Techniques $245 Confident to Intermediate Center is a purchased Panel Add 5 interesting borders and DONE! You can choose an easier method for one or all of the borders as you desire. This quilt is one which will give you opportunities to learn new skills. We will start with a unique and pretty purchased quilt panel of your choice for the center area and build your quilt from there by adding some interesting borders - that's it! Because panels vary in size, I will individualize accordingly. Also, there will be options to simplify one or more borders to make the quilt as easier as you desire.
Each Border has Optional Methods - pick and choose as you like to improve skills or go with the easier method. These include: 1st Border) Skinny 1/4" border technique - used around center panel. Easier Option - Skip the skinny border altogether. 2nd Border) Dye painting fabric for the middle (yellow to blue) border - thjis will take about 1 1/2 hours and your newly dye painted fabric will be ready to use! Easier option - use an hombre fabric 3rd Border) Simple 3 section foundation piecied 8 half square triangles - each foundation pattern has a total of only 3 pieces. If you have had difficulty with paper piecing or want to try it, this would be an excellent learning block! (yellow/aqua/fuschia blocks). Easier Option - skip the foundation insert and just make half-square triangle blocks. 4th Border) Making continuous bias tape used in outer border/gold). This is not a pieced curve! It is 2 pieces joined together on top, similar to applique, but using the bias tape. Learn how to add some pizazz to your quilts with this option. Easier Option - Use a solid ourter border 5th /Binding) Magic binding application. Or bind in your usual method. Challenges are provided to stretch your quilt tool belt, but not too difficult and you'll have a beautiful quilt in the end. Or choose the easy route and have an equally beautiful quilt. The picture below is a drawing from my EQ7 quilting software program and does no justice to the true beauty of this quilt. As the date of this publishing, I just took it off the longarm - I'll get the magic binding on and post a picture of the real quilt. |